

For a current list of publications, please refer to

Hu Z, Berman AJL, Dong Z, Grissom WA, Reese TG, Wald LL, Wang F, Polimeni JR. Reduced physiology-induced temporal instability achieved with variable-flip-angle fast low-angle excitation echo-planar technique with multishot echo planar time-resolved imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2024 Sep. URL
Arzanforoosh F, van der Velden M, Berman AJL, van der Voort SR, Bos EM, Schouten JW, Vincent AJPE, Kros JM, Smits M, Warnert EAH. MRI-based assessment of brain tumor hypoxia: correlation with histology. Cancers. 2024; 16(1):138. PDF, URL
Arzanforoosh F, Berman AJL, Smits M, Warnert EAH. Streamlined quantitative BOLD for detecting visual stimulus-induced changes in oxygen extraction fraction in healthy participants: towards clinical application in human glioma. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine. 2023 Dec; 36(6):975–984. PDF, URL
Sengupta S, Berman AJL, Polimeni JR, Setsompop K, Grissom WA. High-resolution motion- and phase-corrected fMRI at 7 tesla using shuttered multishot EPI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2023 Jun;89(6):2227–2241. PDF, URL
Berman AJL, Witzel T, Grissom WA, Park DJ, Setsompop K, Polimeni JR. Ultra-high spatial resolution BOLD fMRI in humans using combined segmented-accelerated VFA-FLEET with a recursive RF pulse design. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2021 Jan 1;85(1):120–139. PDF, URL
MacDonald ME, Williams RJ, Rajashekar D, Stafford RB, Hanganu A, Sun H, Berman AJL, McCreary CR, Frayne R, Forkert ND, Pike GB. Age-related differences in cerebral blood flow and cortical thickness with an application to age prediction. Neurobiology of Aging. 2020;95:131–142. PDF, URL
Stone AJ, Holland NC, Berman AJL, Blockley, NP. Simulation of the effect of diffusion on asymmetric spin echo based quantitative BOLD: An investigation of the origin of deoxygenated blood volume overestimation. NeuroImage. 2019 Jul 19;201:116035. PDF, URL
Cheng X, Berman AJL, Polimeni JR, Buxton RB, Gagnon L, Devor A, Sakadžić S, Boas DA. Dependence of the MR signal on the magnetic susceptibility of blood studied with models based on real microvascular networks. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2019 Jan 19;81(6):3865–74. PDF, URL
MacDonald ME, Williams RJ, Forkert ND, Berman AJL, McCreary CR, Frayne R, Pike GB. Inter-database variability in cortical thickness measurements. Cerebral Cortex. 2019 Jul 22;29(8):3282–93. PDF, URL
MacDonald ME, Berman AJL, Mazerolle EL, Williams RJ, Pike GB. Modeling hyperoxia-induced BOLD signal dynamics to estimate cerebral blood flow, volume and mean transit time. NeuroImage. 2018 Sep;178:461–74. PDF, URL
Berman AJL, Pike GB. Transverse signal decay under the weak field approximation: Theory and validation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2018 Jul;80(1):341–50. PDF, URL
Berman AJL, Mazerolle EL, MacDonald ME, Blockley NP, Luh WM, Pike GB. Gas-free calibrated fMRI with a correction for vessel-size sensitivity. NeuroImage. 2018 Apr 1;169:176–88. PDF, URL
Ma Y, Berman AJL, Pike GB. The effect of dissolved oxygen on the relaxation rates of blood plasma: Implications for hyperoxia calibrated BOLD. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2016 Dec 2;76(6):1905–11. PDF, URL
Berman AJL, Ma Y, Hoge RD, Pike GB. The effect of dissolved oxygen on the susceptibility of blood. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2016 Jan;75(1):363–71. PDF, URL
Beatty L, Furey E, Daniels C, Berman A, Tallon JM. Radiation exposure from CT scanning in the resuscitative phase of trauma care: a level one trauma centre experience. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2015 Nov;17(6):617–23. URL
Robar JL, Parsons D, Berman A, MacDonald A. Volume-of-interest cone-beam CT using a 2.35 MV beam generated with a carbon target. Medical Physics. 2012 Jul;39(7):4209–18. PDF, URL
Kong T, Gorelov A, Höhr C, Wiebe T, Chatwin-Davies A, Berman A, Behling S, Ashery D, Gwinner G, Pearson M, Behr J. Specific mass shift measurements in rubidium by Doppler-free two-photon transitions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2011 Oct 19;44(21):215004.
Jirasek A, Hilts M, Berman A, McAuley KB. Effects of bis-acrylamide co-solvent on the rate and form of polymer gel dose response. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2009 Feb 21;54(4):907–18.
Agarwal A, Ahmed M, Berman A, Caron BL, Charbonneau A, Deatrich D, Desmarais R, Dimopoulos A, Gable I, Groer LS, Haria R, Impey R, Klektau L, Lindsay C, Mateescu G, Matthews Q, Norton A, Podaima W, Quesnel D, Simmonds R, Sobie RJ, St Arnaud B, Usher C, Vanderster DC, Vetterli M, Walker R, Yuen M. GridX1: A Canadian computational grid. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2007 Jun;23(5):680–7.